Speak To A Government Contract Lawyer - (202) 609-7386
Experience matters in government contract bid protests. Understandably, clients are busy running their companies and do not have the time nor experience to prepare and pursue a GAO bid protest. With decades of experience, the BCTW bid protest lawyers will help you submit a timely and compliant protest that includes all available grounds of protest and maximizes your chance of success. Inexperience with the bid protest process often results in the GAO dismissing or denying a protest.
Protests can be time consuming. The Agency and the awardee will be represented by lawyers. These lawyers will spend considerable effort to explain to the GAO why your protest is meritless. You are required to provide a substantive and compelling rebuttal. Furthermore, it is not unusual for opposing counsel to request that the GAO dismiss a protest or permit the agency to avoid providing the documents requested by protester. In each case, you must respond. By utilizing a BCTW bid protest lawyer, you will be able to continue focusing on your business while knowing your protest is in good hands.
Importantly, a lawyer is often needed to effectively pursue a protest because the information provided in the Agency Report will be subject to a protective order or otherwise will not be provided directly to a contractor for review. The GAO issues protective orders to maintain the confidentiality of source selection information, such as the awardee's proposal and the details of the agency's evaluations. Information subject to a protective order is generally only available to the protester's outside lawyer. Without a lawyer admitted to the protective order, your limited access to information is like fighting with one hand tied.
In addition, many protests are won based upon supplemental protests filed after review of the Agency Report. The initial protest should be drafted to optimize the records the agency will produce as part of the Agency Report; thus, increasing the likelihood of finding grounds for a supplemental protest.
Baker, Cronogue, Tolle & Werfel, LLP
1320 Old Chain Bridge Road, Suite 410
McLean, VA 22101
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