Speak To A Government Contract Lawyer - (202) 609-7386
Our government contract lawyers are extremely knowledgeable about the various SBA programs available for government contractors. In fact, many of our clients qualify for one or more of the SBA programs, which include -
Every year the SBA's government contracting programs provide small businesses with access to billions of dollars in federal procurements, either directly as a prime contractor or through subcontracting goals for large businesses.
Teaming with other government contractors is often necessary for a small business to meet a procurement's requirements. The terms of the teaming agreement and any joint venture agreement, as well as the information provided in the proposal, must be drafted to avoid potential affiliation issues and other pitfalls. If you win a contract that has been set-aside under an SBA program, your compliance with the various SBA regulations may be challenged through an SBA Size Protest or Status Protest. Once you submit your proposal, it is too late to correct deficiencies, and you may lose your award if the size or status protest is sustained.
Ensuring your company, as well as its teaming and joint venture relationships, is compliant with the regulatory requirements of the applicable SBA programs must be done before you submit your proposal. To avoid costly mistakes, our government contract lawyers will help you understand the SBA's requirements.
Baker, Cronogue, Tolle & Werfel, LLP
1320 Old Chain Bridge Road, Suite 410
McLean, VA 22101
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