Speak To A Government Contract Lawyer - (202) 609-7386
Many government contractors will find themselves the subject of an investigation by the Wage and Hour Division (WHD) of the Department of Labor (DoL). The investigations are conducted as outlined in the WHD's Field Operation Handbook. A quick review of the handbook demonstrates the need for experienced guidance through the investigation process. Our lawyers have extensive experience guiding clients through DoL investigations.
Just because a DoL investigator says you owe money doesn’t mean you do. We assist our clients in identifying mistakes and weaknesses in the investigator's analysis. After our lawyers analyze the bases for the DoL's claims, we provide you with a clear and objective assessment of your liability. Even if we conclude that you have financial liability for unpaid obligations under one or more of the complex labor laws, we can assist you with negotiating a favorable settlement with the DoL.
A DoL investigation should be taken very seriously. For a government contractor, violation of labor laws may have devastating results. Penalties for violating the Service Contract Act can result in liability for unpaid wages and fringe benefits, contract termination and liability for any resulting costs to the Government, legal action to recover the underpayments, and debarment from future contracts for up to three years.
The key to successfully navigating a DoL investigation and to minimize its impact on your company is to know your rights and your obligations.
You will be notified by letter of the DoL investigation. As in the following example, the first paragraph of the letter is introductory and will identify the specific government contract(s) at issue:
As in the following example, the second paragraph of the letter will provide an overview of the process:
The third paragraph will provide a list of required documents and information:
The initial letter will also provide the contact information for the investigator, as well as the deadline and method for submitting the required documents and information.
Upon receiving notice of the DoL's investigation, a government contractor would be wise to quickly obtain legal representation. Please call us at (202) 609-7386 or send an message if we can be of assistance.
Baker, Cronogue, Tolle & Werfel, LLP
1320 Old Chain Bridge Road, Suite 410
McLean, VA 22101
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